Monday 24 October 2016

My Troll by Walter

The troll has lots of sharp teeth. It is cool. Trolls are mean.

My Troll by Tosca

She is a nice troll but she did not let them over because she was having a baby. She has a beautiful crown. She has make-up on her every day. She has t-shirts and no pants, only beautiful dresses.

My Troll by Simon

He is nice to people but he is not nice to goats. He is cool.

My Troll by Ryan

My troll is scary. Trolls are mean. Trolls are cool. My troll is a boy. I like trolls.

My Troll by Oscar

My troll is very spikey. It can swim very good. If you see my troll just give me a call. Mine lives in a river.

My Troll by Onadi

My troll has hairy hair. It is a boy. His name is max. He goes to toll school. It is fantastic. I like my troll.

My Troll by Olivia

My troll is silly. She goes to school. She likes to sing and dance. She likes to eat biscuits. She’s mostly really sick. She is hot all the time. She likes playing. She is 2 years old. She eats healthy things. She plays a lot. Her friend is Mia. The play a lot. She has long hair. She is very, very tired.

My Troll by Mia

She is a troll. She is fierce and my troll goes to troll school. My troll is ugly. The troll’s tummy is oval and she is 0 years old. My troll has hair and she is called Olivia. She has a friend called Abbi and she has long hair.

My Troll by Malachi

My troll is sick and green. It will scare you and frighten you. It is a he and its name is Spike because it has spikes. It is masky. He has no clothes and no toys.

My Troll by Emi

A troll is scary. I would not like to stare a troll in the eye. I am scared but I cannot stop it. I am never going to like a troll so I ran!

My Troll by Isha

My troll is fantastic but she is scared. She is purple and tough and special. She has got hair.

My Troll by Harry

My troll is scary and my troll is fierce. But my troll is also big. If you see my troll just give me a call.

My Troll by Erin

My troll is scary. He has spikes all around him. He has spikey teeth. His claws are sharp.

My Troll by Ailsa

My troll is a girl. She has to go to hospital because she is going to have babies. She has a beautiful crown.

My Troll by Abbi

My troll is hairy and fierce. He has scary spikes and sharp teeth. He lives under the bridge. His name is Mr Spikes. I’m really scared of him although I want to meet him.