Tuesday 27 December 2016

Diwali Diva by Bella

I made my diva from salt dough and painted it when it had been cooked to make it go hard.

Diwali Diva by Simon

I made my diva from salt dough and painted it when it had been cooked to make it go hard.

Diwali Diva by Onadi

I made my diva from salt dough and painted it when it had been cooked to make it go hard.

Diwali Diva by Ryan

I made my diva from salt dough and painted it when it had been cooked to make it go hard.

Diwali Diva by Daisy

I made my diva from salt dough and painted it when it had been cooked to make it go hard.

Diwali Diva by Emi

I made my diva from salt dough and painted it when it had been cooked to make it go hard.

Diwali Diva by Ailsa

I made my diva from salt dough and painted it when it had been cooked to make it go hard.

Diwali Diva by Isha

I made my diva from salt dough and painted it when it had been cooked to make it go hard.

Diwali Diva by Harry

I made my diva from salt dough and painted it when it had been cooked to make it go hard.

Diwali Diva by Malachi

I made my diva from salt dough and painted it when it had been cooked to make it go hard.

Diwali Diva by Walter

I made my diva from salt dough and painted it when it had been cooked to make it go hard.

Diwali Diva by Erin

I made my diva from salt dough and painted it when it had been cooked to make it go hard.

Diwali Diva by Abbi

I made my diva from salt dough and painted it when it had been cooked to make it go hard.

Diwali Diva by Olivia

I made my diva from salt dough and painted it when it had been cooked to make it go hard.

Diwali Diva by Oscar

I made my diva from salt dough and painted it when it had been cooked to make it go hard.

Diwali Diva by Leo

I made my diva from salt dough and painted it when it had been cooked to make it go hard.

Diwali Diva by Mia

I made my diva from salt dough and painted it when it had been cooked to make it go hard.

Diwali Diva by Tosca

I made my diva from salt dough and painted it when it had been cooked to make it go hard.

Fabric and Fibre Projects by Simon

Fabric and Fibre Projects by Mia

Fabric and Fibre Projects by Bella

Fabric and Fibre Projects by Emi

Fabric and Fibre Projects by Isha

Fabric and Fibre Projects by Daisy

Fabric and Fibre Projects by Leo

Fabric and Fibre Projects by Walter

Fabric and Fibre Projects by Oscar

Fabric and Fibre Projects by Olivia

Fabric and Fibre Projects by Erin

Fabric and Fibre Projects by Ryan

Fabric and Fibre Projects by Malachi

Fabric and Fibre Projects by Harry

Fabric and Fibre Projects by Ailsa

Fabric and Fibre Projects by Tosca

Fabric and Fibre Projects by Abbi

Fabric and Fibre Projects by Onadi